A downloadable playset

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For the rich and powerful, Obsidian is a city of growth, magic and splendor. But for the downtrodden, those too poor to cross the lake of lava that separates Obsidian from the rest of the world, it is a city of violence, corruption, and misery. In the streets of Obsidian, the desperate make plans to get out, to get rich, or to get whatever satisfaction they can eke out in this dangerous city.

Obsidian is a techno-fantasy playset for Fiasco.

Fiasco is a creation of Jason Morningstar.

Cover image is by Paweł Czerwiński.

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
AuthorZargo Games
TagsCrime, Fantasy, fiasco, Magic, playset, Sci-fi, techno-fantasy


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Obsidian Playset 4.9 MB

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